Four-hundred lightning bolts pattern themselves around the earth each second.
First knowledge of fire sprang up on as many faces as fore makes on a circle.
Empty space is the home of fire.
Tending fire is an act of husbandry, teasing and stroking, like guard duty.
A man comes in from a cold night and warms his hands and flexes his arms and legs.
A woman warms her hands and embraces herself.
A cat naps with its head turned away and its body to the flame.
When we warm our backs, we face the shadows at the edges of a fire’s light.
Fire is a screen for pictures we make with our minds.
Fire absorbs attention and draws in voices.
Lovers bathing slowly like candles
Lovers try to scale a fire without being burnt.
Tools of a fireplace, shaped in a fire.
Unfamiliar things brought close and cooked.
The dancing of fire is filled with expectancy.
Curious waving fire talks and flips things to you.
Grabbing beauty is touching fire.
The end of fire is dark
Over the fireplace hangs a ring of old keys.
When fire surrounds the shape of an object will appear after it is no longer there.